74 years young Annette Larkins is a raw vegan
Yes , it's hard to believe that she is 74 year young, she is a raw vegan (eat raw fruits ,seeds ,nuts and veggies)
Annette Larlins was born on january 13 ,1942 in asheville ,North Carolina ,USA .
She is a vegan from last 27 years ,she is married and have 2 sons .
When she goes out with her husband (Amos Larkins) ,people assume she is his daughter .
Annette has written 2 books . One named " Journey to health " and the second is "Journey to health 2 ", in which she helps people start their own raw food journey .
Annette Larkins believe we must eat raw for our health .At the age of 74 ,she looks many years young ,so we get a clue that how plant based diet can help us maintain our health ,raw plant based food can actually make us look younger ,
Annette Larkins grows her food in her back yard .She makes own juices and eat raw and uncooked vegetables
Thanks for reading ,
Have a nice day .
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