How to be nice with others

Humans are highly social beings ,we like to be in a groups,with friends and with family .
we meet strangers everyday ,some are good ,some are not ,but it would be good if be behave nicely with them ,

So how to be nice with other ?


A small word or a sign of welcome or recognition .
Greeting is an act of communication in which human beings intentionally makes their presence known to each other ,a formal greetings are like good morning sir or maam ,and imformal are like  hi , hello , whats up ,how you doing etc ,

Introduce yourself to new people 

If someone unknown is in your group or room or anywhere else ,introduce your self to him or her or them , this is a nice and polite gesture and can help break the ice .you can say ,hi , i am sam , nice to meet you and thats all .


Smiling face  makes a person look more wiser ,when you smile others will feel more comfortable ,when you smile it makes other smile too,people may think you are cold or not nice if you not smile ,so just smile next time you pass someone you know a little bit or even a perfect stranger .
Smiling will also makes you feel happier , even if you are not in the best mood . 

Small talks 

Talk about things that other person is intrested in , if you talk to a stranger ,try to talk of things happening around you ,or some common topics like if you are in office talk something about work or employees ,incorporating humor always help , people enjoy someone who can make them laugh or has a sense of humor and can understand them ,

Be polite 

Being polite means being aware of and respecting the feelings of other people .We may not always notice politeness but we usually notice rudeness or inconsiderate behaviour .you should be polite to strangers as you would be to your family members ,even if you having a bad day ,try to be polite you will feel better  .

Be helpful to others 

It's good if you offer help to others , helping others is a sign of kindness .
one day , you may need to rely on kindness and help of a stranger ,so you should get the good karma going on .This will definitely be a way of being nice to the people around you ,and you will feel better about yourself in the process . 

Give a sincere compliment 

Complimenting others is good , everyone likes compliments , so don't be afraid to say something positive about the other person ,just compliment about good hairs , shirt or dress ,new shoes or something like that , but keep in mind that not to flatter them to much ,this will give a negative impact on others .

Don't curse 

Cursing someone is not an act of kindness , it will make you look vulgar, rude and definitely ont nice ,if someone see you cursing and getting angry ,he or she may noy feel comfortable with you or may stop talking with you ,so the next time you are angry or feel like cursing , do it in your mind and have a smile on your face .

Thanks for reading it ,
Have a good day 


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